Hope is in being open to contingency. Existentialists have shown us how we fear our own existence. Kamus once had this famous question: should I have a cup of coffee or commit suicide? Existentialists had seen the world as an absurdity, which means life is basically suffering, or that's at least what people say. That's an easy and useful explanation, but it is not what they are. I would say existentialists were just the ones who tried to be humble. However, I should still say arrogance is hiding under their humble attitude. I think I'm losing trust in existentialism.
Recently I've read back J.P.Sartre's "Nausea" from 1938. The protagonist's suffering begins when he finds out there's something excessive in the objects he sees. Sometimes it's a glass of beer. Sometimes the clothes that a bartender puts on. He asks himself: what is this? It is, after all, a narrative about our own world. And it can be excessive because we tend to have excessive explanations toward them. That's what makes things blurred, and it made him feel the "nausea" in things. In other words, everything that exists in our world...just exists too much. And we also exist. That's the crucial problem because it can be more excessive than any other thing in this world. And this excessiveness of human beings eventually tortures us.
For example, the protagonist's ex is a lady who believed in the "perfect moment" in life. She believed in moments where you can feel the sublime behind us (I read this as something explained in Critique of Judgment by Kant). She used to be in the story, it's not hers, but she was the actor in the story of something sublime. There, she was not the one who does. She was something "done". She was thrown into the world and then she was supposed to feel the perfect moment. But she survived without any moments like that. It's like being thrown into the ground from Eden. That's the despair she confesses to the protagonist.
People believe in the story. People believe in their past, future, or maybe history. Why do we need them? Because we don't have any clue to be us. One day you just realize and you find yourself to be you, but there's no necessity for that. That's where your existence comes in. We create our own stories or believe in the stories to explain ourselves. Here we've got the infamous I-think-therefore-I-am-shit. Well, an existentialist would give a big fucking no-no to this. Antoine Roquentin notices his bare existence, and then threw away all the work he got in his hands. Now he's free but in fear. Because all things surrounding him are the absurdity of the world.
And he thinks of writing his own book and that's the end of this novel. Apparently, he tries to define his new way of existence, which is not to follow his story, but he just tries to face the absurdity (in an implicit way) believing that it is gonna wipe out the excessiveness of his existence.
Actually, I don't like this conclusion anymore. First of all, throughout the story, he got no doubt in his consciousness. It seems to be a fallacy to me. The idea of the individual self is also our assumption. It's also "done" by the situation, every moment we have. And it just happens. You are not always the one who thinks. It just makes you think. As Jung said, we don't have ideas, ideas have us. I would at least say that the idea that we can be totally capable of knowing anything and thinking is kinda arrogant, and it's gonna bite us back really hard, hard enough to make us more tragic than ever before. Because as long as you think you can do something to your existence, there will always be a clue to blame yourself. Maybe it used to be okay because we were blind and had "history" to fix our story up. But the world is getting smaller enough to see the end, and we're already poisoned by the technologies and the consciousness is becoming just another technical issue.
Then what's the point of our every single act? It seems to me that existentialism weighs too much on your acts as an individual. But if we can't say we're totally free as a decision-maker, I think this is the case, we can't say that we're following the path toward the glory of existence shit. I mean, if no necessity can be deduced from our history, then there's no point fucking with your existence. Now that's the pitfall of existentialism (and actually what I've been suffering for).
You know, now everything just happens relentlessly without history, and there's little space where our glorious Rene Descartes comes in. We've already lost history. All we've got is just some shitty posts on social media. Algorithms are suggesting what we see and listen to, and yeah, you feel like you've known someone when you meet him/her for the first time. People are now the production of necessity. There lies a 2023-ish despair of our own. And the good old existentialism doesn't seem to be the medicine anymore.
As long as I can see, some people look for hope in finding a place where they can find "localness". I think it's a good move for some people. They are trying to rebuild the lost context of their existence. And it sounds like it won't be trapped in the hellhole of consciousness. Because it's not the pure outcome of the decision. It's also the result of randomness (There you won't suffer for your own decision, and wouldn't it sound peaceful? But I don't think I'd do that. I'm not lucky enough to feel like so. The thing is, it also requires some sort of cultural capital to do that and I've got none for it. I haven't learned that feeling in my childhood. There's no medicine that works for everyone).
My current attitude is this: if everything just happens relentlessly, why not enjoy it? In the past year or so, I have been thinking that what we rather need is not a story that reeks of decay, but a wager. Every moment in our life, in a situation with excessive possibilities, we sow and give meaning and take fruit from it. And that should not be bound by any context. No fucking history, because we've already lost it. There is no happiness or despair, no angels or demons. It's like, I am thrown there, I am to perform there, to enjoy the place as if I were going to burn myself to death (I might be influenced by Georges Bataille).
I confess that I am unable to be open to local places. I don't trust any culture. I have no sense of community. I am not comfortable with the idea of a local place of residence. But on the other hand, I am a techno-optimist. I like the way of machines, the way they don't hesitate. Its relentless speed of execution requires me to throw myself into the moment without giving myself time to think. I think this is why I am attracted to the art created by computers. After all, the speed where it loses its meaning, and that's what I'm after. Inevitability, when sufficiently fast, is matched by coincidence. Especially when it's executed as the alternative nature. There, people are no longer subjects of their story or existence. They are their own projects at each moment.
Sorry for the rants, but I don't wanna sound established. That's what I fear the most.
私が見る限り、「地元らしさ」を見出すことに希望を見出す人がいるようだ。人によっては、いい動きだと思う。彼らは、失われた自分たちの存在の文脈を再構築しようとしている。そして、それは意識の地獄に閉じ込められることはなさそうである。なぜなら、それは純粋な決断の結果ではなく ランダム性の結果でもあるから(そこでは自分の決断のために苦しむことはないし、平和な感じがしませんか?でも、私はそんなことしないと思う。そんな風に思えるほど、私は幸運ではない。というのも、それをやるにはある種の文化資本が必要で、私にはそれがない。その感覚を子供の頃に学んでいない。万人に効く薬なんてない)。